Even with a slower economy, some sectors remain fully running. For others, the work continues, but with a smaller team and an increased workload. In either case, there is a higher risk of employee exhaustion, and as a result, some may be seeking other employment.

Here are some ways to recognize the hard work of your team members, to give them rest where possible and to cement their commitment to your organization.

Mobilize and motivate

Mobilizing your team is more than just motivating them. Mobilization is based on trust, support, respect and a collaborative management style. A mobilizing leader shares long term and unifying objectives that target a collective interest1. He or she supports team members, empathizes and empowers them.

A mobilized employee “voluntarily makes greater than usual efforts to continuously improve their work, align it strategically and coordinates them within the team by cooperation”.2

The pillars and the levers

The pillars of mobilization are3:

  • Trust
  • Support
  • Justice
  • Commitment
  • Power to act

The levers to act on these pillars are4:

  • HRM practices
  • Sharing your values and goals
  • Work organization
  • Leadership of management team

Your team members work hard?Are your team members working hard? Be sure that their work is recognized (justice), that they are heard and that they participate in decision making (power to act). Offer them the resources to succeed and the rest they require (support). Share your goals with them and be transparent (trust). Come back to basics, remembering the mission and vision of your business. Anchor your actions into your organizational values and communicate these (commitment).

A well deserved rest

All of your employees have their own situation, and sometimes, it makes it difficult to recognize everybody’s work individually. With many working at home, and/or with different schedules and responsibilities, this task is not an easy one.

One thing for sure, everyone needs a little rest. And everyone appreciates a turnkey formula; not having to think about meal planning or having to go to the grocery store or to make multiple calls to check on the feasibility of an X or Y activity.

Customized gift, formulas for all tastes

How about sending your team members a gift certificate of your choice for a well-deserved vacation, with friends or family, in an all-inclusive package in the heart of a national park?

And may I add: what if we took care of everything? Send us your team’s contact details and the letter you would like to send along with the gift certificate, and we will wrap it up at no additional cost.

This formula allows you to recognize the hard work of your employees and to share the values of your organization in a very personal way.

In addition to bringing joy to your employees, you are also encouraging a 100 % Quebec-based social economy company celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. You have something to be proud of … you could even underline this in your letter ;).

You want to know more? Or you want to order a gift certificate? Send me an email at [email protected].


1 Tremblay et. al, (2005), Agir sur les leviers organisationnels pour mobiliser le personnel available online here (French content).
2 Wils et al., 1998: 32 dans Davister, 2009 La gestion des entreprises sociale : 301, available online here (French content).
3 Tremblay et. al, op. cit.
4 Ibidem.

When you’ll be ready

Jouvence also offers all-inclusive solutions for businesses who want to get together off-site. Whether it’s for a strategic planning event, a team building activity, a training session or a conference, our coordination team is there for you.

Nestled in the heart of Mont Orford National Park, 1.5 hours from Montreal and 30 minutes from Sherbrooke, Jouvence’s all-inclusive formula delight organizers who want to simplify their planning and be confident their event objectives are met.

Visit our website for more details, and you may request information online.