Through its extensive and flexible education program, Jouvence proposes to schools an unparalleled nature-based educational outing program. With extensive experience in hosting and accompanying youth groups, amid the natural setting’s splendour and richness, we offer the school sector projects that correspond perfectly with today’s new pedagogical orientations: to provide instruction, to socialize, and to provide qualifications.
Our program can be summarized in a few words: understanding the issues, testing and creating potential solutions, and raising awareness among loved ones. We believe that openness and fairness play a significant role in designing change.
Through a varied range of activities and workshops on topics including recycling, renewable energy, composting, water pollution, and fair trade, participants will be able to develop skills that will guide them and help them become advocates and agents of change within their community.
Finally, while the educational component is very prominent at D’Jouv, we believe it is closely interrelated with fun. In short, we seek to offer programming in which fun, the outdoors, and discoveries will blend perfectly.